Kitchen Measuring Cups

Well! Well! Well! My weekend was an awesome find one. You know how it’s like on Sunday night, boring and nothing. So, I went to Ralph’s to buy some pantry stocks.

Instead I found a great measuring cups, really really cute with a top view like a ‘Birds-eye view’. Cute-Winky-Face-Emoji



birds view of cups


It is very comfortable to use and very trendy. I instantly fell in love with it. It is from ‘Good cook’ .


‘Birds-eye View’ of cups in two different size.




Birds view of large cup.





Birds view of small cup.


small cup


Easy to measure the ingredients, just pour it in and use it. There is no need to pour and look at the side of the cups for accuracy. Just pour to accuracy. Voila!!! 715vwvP5ZEL._SL500_AA300_

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